Admission Policy & Process
Please find below our full Admissions Policy for all of our Raffles Early Childhood Centres
1. Admissions Policy
1.1 We welcome students of all abilities, nationalities and religions who, in the Early Childhood Centre’s opinion, will benefit from the academic, personal and social programmes on offer. We are proud of our visible commitment to diversity and international mindedness.
1.2 Our Raffles Early Childhood Centre actively seeks to nurture the holistic development of your child.
1.3 We take our responsibility for your child’s social, personal and academic growth very seriously. In order to serve your child’s individual needs and to support his or her transition to our Raffles Early Childhood Centre, it is important that we have complete information regarding your child.
1.4 Where requests for admission are received for children with special needs and disabilities, a decision will be made on a case by case basis. All reports must be submitted and additional reports from health professionals may be requested. In the case where a child’s specific need has not been previously identified, the Early Childhood Centre reserves the right to review the situation in order to assess the capacity to address his/her needs within their existing level of provision.
1.5 Priority admission will be given to children whose siblings are already studying in our schools and Raffles Early Childhood Centres.
1.6 Children of our Raffles Early Childhood Centres who are age eligible to join school, will be offered priority admission to any of the IVEI schools subject to space availability and the school’s admission criteria.
1.7 The Raffles Early Childhood Centres adhere to UAE law and KHDA guidelines.
2. Age Guidelines
2.1 Children must be 45 days and less than six (6) years old at the time of enrolment.
2.2 If children are assessed as developmentally ready for being promoted to the next age grouping during the academic year, the recommendation for promotion will be discussed with the parent at the time and promotion will take place.
2.3 Children of age 3 years and above (36 months and above) as on 31st August of the relevant academic year are required to enrol only for a 5day week regular attendance schedule at the Early Childhood Centre.
2.4 Children of age 45 days to 35 months, have the option of choosing the flexible day attendance schedule (3 days a week) in addition to the option of the regular 5 day schedule, subject to availability.
3. Admissions Procedures
3.1 Most children start nursery life in September, however registrations are welcome at any time during the year and enrolment takes place throughout the year subject to space availability. Children meeting our admission criteria will be offered a place subject to availability. Every effort will be made to admit the children into their first choice of Raffles Early Childhood Centre.
3.2 Initially, a fully completed online application must be submitted. This can be completed for only one Raffles Early Childhood Centre of your choice. Following your submission, our admissions office will contact you regarding the status of your application. If a space is available you will be advised on the next step of the admission process. If a space is currently not available in your child’s age group, your application will be placed on our waiting lists.
3.3 Parents are advised to visit their Raffles Early Childhood Centre of choice to tour the facility and meet with the Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager. We conduct regular tours on all working days, Monday to Friday at 9.30am. Parents may contact the Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager directly to schedule a tour or alternatively, contact the Raffles Early Childhood Centres admissions office to schedule the tour.
3.4 The Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager will assess the child’s suitability and degree of readiness to start at the Raffles Early Childhood Centre and will allocate the child to the age appropriate class. Where required, the child’s report from his/her previous setting might be required.
3.5 Required Documentation
The following documents must be submitted prior to the child attending the Raffles Early Childhood Centre:
One copy of student’s and parents’ current and valid passport
One copy of student’s and parents’ current and valid UAE residency visa
Copy of student’s and parents’ current Emirates ID (front and back)
One copy of student’s birth certificate (in English or Arabic only)
Four colour passport photographs of the student
Copy of student’s immunization record
Completed Clinic/Permissions Pack
Registration of the student’s enrolment with KHDA (FS1(Pre KG), FS2 (KG1), Year1 (KG2)): It is mandated by the regulatory authorities KHDA, that on enrolment, copy of the Emirates ID of the student and both parents be submitted at the ECC.
3.6 Service Standards
The admission process for each child needs to be completed within 5 working days of the application if the child is based in Dubai. To achieve this goal, the following process and service standards have been defined:-
• Responding to parents on receiving the application, emailing the Admissions Entry Parent Form 1-2 working days
• Receiving the evaluation from the Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager 3 working days
• Communicating the outcome to parents 5 working days (From the date of application)
3.7 Admissions Policy for Students with Additional Needs:
Students of Determination experiencing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND):
All placements are subject to availability of spaces. Any new applicant with identified special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will be referred to the Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager. The Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager will go through the reports and arrange to observe and assess the child, making appropriate recommendations to the admissions department thereafter. The Raffles Early Childhood Centre Manager will evaluate if the Raffles Early Childhood Centre is adequately equipped to meet the needs of the child and recommend whether the admission offer should be full or partial (in partnership with another specialist school or provider) or if the Raffles Early Childhood Centre is unable to provide a place currently.
3.8 Policy Review
This policy is to be reviewed annually, though; any deficiencies or weakness in admissions will be remedied without delay. The Head of Raffles Early Childhood Centres and CEO (on behalf of the Board) will undertake an annual review of the Admissions policies and procedures and of the efficiency with which the related duties have been discharged.
The Admissions Office is open from Monday - Friday 7.30am - 3.30pm.
Online Application Form for Raffles Early Childhood Centres - Arabian Ranches 1, Dubai Marina, Lakes, Lakes 2 (located in Lakes), Springs 7 & Meadows.
For more information, you may contact our Admissions Office listed below:
Tel: +971 4 4271241
Email: admissions@rafflesecc.com