Curriculum - EYFS
This creative approach, along with a focus on the important six areas of learning for early years, combines to offer an integrated holistic learning programme, where independent learning, curiosity and enthusiasm are developed. The following outlines the key concepts that the children will have the opportunity to learn in each area:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Develop care of self and the environment
Take turns, share and play appropriately
Build confidence and self-esteem
Understand right from wrong
Understand and value differences between people, cultures and religions
Develop independence
Adjust to change
Express feelings appropriately
Communication, Language and Literacy
Enjoy listening to and using spoken and written language and readily turn it into play and use to communicate their needs with others
Extend their vocabulary and develop language skills
Listen to and join in with stories, poems and songs, one to one and also in small groups
Show interest in illustrations and print in books and in the environment
Learn how to handle books carefully and appropriately
Engage in activities requiring hand-eye coordination and use one-handed tools and equipment
Use puppets and props to make up or retell stories
Listen to stories through the means of ICT and story tapes
Contribute photo, drawings, favourite pictures, and artefacts towards child’s own personal diary and encourage turning pages, looking and talking about books
Begin to use anticlockwise movement and trace vertical lines
Use a variety of crayons, pencils and thick chalk and learn to hold in correct pencil grip
Mathematical Development
Enjoy joining in with number rhymes and songs
Use numbers and mathematical concepts in play
Compare groups of objects and organise objects into groups or classification
Use shape in play and with puzzles, and be aware of shape in the environment
Observe and use positional language
Have the opportunity to construct large and small equipment
Have the opportunity to engage in sand and water play to measure and pour
Develop an awareness of time, order and sequencing of events
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Show curiosity and observe and manipulate objects
Investigate construction materials and small world equipment
Use a range of objects and tools safely and appropriately
Observe changes in the environment, weather and living creatures
Have opportunity to be involved in long term growing projects i.e., seeds / plants / vegetables
Explore their environment and notice features in the place where they live and natural world
Gain an awareness of the cultures and beliefs of others
Creative Development
Explore colour, shape, pattern, form and space in 2 and 3 dimensions
Recognize how sounds can be changed; sing simple songs from memory and make sounds and with body rhythm and musical instruments
Listen to a range of music/rhythm/instruments
Make constructions, collages, paintings and drawings using a range of media and materials
Learn through all of their senses
Use imagination and ideas, and communicate some of those ideas to others
Use their bodies to explore texture and space
Work creatively on a large and small scale
Use a range of tools and materials with assistance
Physical Development
Explore a range of outdoor and indoor large play equipment in a range of ways such as climbing, jumping, balancing, crawling, sliding and rolling
Construct with large materials such as planks, blocks, cartons and lengths of fabric
Operate large and small equipment by means of pushing, pulling and turning
Engage in activities requiring hand-eye coordination such as puzzles, threading, posting, play dough, pouring, stacking and small world equipment
Explore the dress up clothes, hats, costumes, masks and develop independent dressing skills and observe self and others in mirrors
Show an awareness of space, themselves and others through movement to music, dance, actions to songs, outdoor games, water play and ride on equipment
Use a range of mark making tools both vertically (murals) and on flat surfaces of various levels (table top, floor, pavement, sand)
Explore sensory materials such as shaving foam, slime, sand, mud, rice, textured paper/fabric