Our Clinic
All Raffles Early Childhood Centres have a clinic that ensures your child is provided with the very best medical care. Our nurses proactively manage the health and wellbeing of all children in our care. They are also available to provide information and support to parents as required.
The nurse will provide full-time medical services on-site. If your child is attended to by any of our medical staff, a note will be sent home. Your child’s medical records are kept at school; please assist us in keeping them updated. Please inform the nurse of any new vaccinations or medical conditions that your child has. The nurse is permitted to store only those medications that are specified as per guidelines from the Ministry of Health. For children who are on medication not included in the Ministry of Health Medication guidelines, parents must provide a prescription from the doctor with a complete medical history and fill in the appropriate authorization form. Medication will be sent home daily with your child. If your child is on any medication, it must be given to the nurse directly who will then administer it to the child. Under no circumstances should the medication be given to the homeroom teacher or left in a child’s bag.
When a child is unwell, they want to have time to rest and recover and so we ask that you keep them at home. It is important, that in line with our policy, a child remains home until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without medication that may mask the symptoms.
If a child becomes unwell whilst at the ECC, the nurse will contact you and request that you collect your child as soon as possible, within the hour.